What is Wire Manager?

Wire manager is our online tool for sending wire transfers directly from an account at one financial institution to an account at anothe. It’s an essential tool for making payments on tight deadlines and managing all your transfers and their associated details. 

How do I get started? 

Sending online wires requires a separate agreement between you and Border Bank. Contact your Business Banker to learn more. 

What makes Wire Manager different?

Wire Manager simplifies the process of originating Wire Transfers in two ways. First, it is an integrated part of our online Cash Management system, giving you secure access at any time. Second, Border Bank can set up recurring wires on templates that make sending wires easy and efficient. When utilizing a template, you will only need to enter the date and dollar amount of the wire. 

Is Wire Manager secure?

Because it is integrated into your online Cash Management, Wire Manager shares the same state-of-the-art access security as Cash Management. The protection of authorization and encryption of data are fully in place. Wire Transfers are trusted by companies and financial institutions across the country and have safely processed countless transactions.

Online Wire Origination requires one employee user enter the wire and another employee user approve the wire. Because wire transfers are irrevocable, this dual control requirement is an added security feature to verify your transaction. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for assistance!