Add Recipient Details
2. Add Details
3. Review
Assign Recipient to Batch Type(s):
Assign the types of batches to which this recipient can be added. For all unassigned batch types, this recipient will not be available for use.
Payroll (PPD, PPD)
Consumer Collections (PPD, PPD+)
Corporate Collections (CCD, CCD+, CTX)
Corporate Payments (CCD, CCD+, CTX)
Cash Concentration (CCD, CCD+)
Enter the recipient's nine-digit bank routing transit number (RTN).
Enter the recipient's bank account number.
Payroll (PPD, PPD)
Consumer Collections (PPD, PPD+)
Corporate Collections (CCD, CCD+, CTX)
Corporate Payments (CCD, CCD+, CTX)
Cash Concentration (CCD, CCD+)